
What Our Clients Say

Sometimes The Cheap Company Isn’t the Best Option – It Just Gets You A Cracked TV

Pawz Pet Solutions is a well known professional pet education company based in Florida. They originally started out as a simple pet sitting business, but very quickly recognized a gap in the marketplace for high quality animal education – they took the pet industry by storm! Take that Cesar Milan!

Michele Frank is the owner of Pawz Pet Solutions, and a recent valued client of ours. Although our team only assisted Frank with a small task to start, our quality of work was still able to shine through.

In the following, Michele Frank will elaborate on her experience with the 1080 Titan Technologies team.

Expensive Equipment Vs. Cheap Labour

Ms. Frank initially contacted us because she had an immediate need to mount her new TV on to a wall. She had previously contacted a different company, but unfortunately lost her television due to poor workmanship.

In fact, when we first pulled the old TV off of the wall we discovered that the screws were incorrectly installed. Two screws were the wrong size and used on both sides of the TV – this greatly affected the TV’s stability and function.

Our solution for Pawz Pet Solutions was simple. We very quickly mounted her new TV using the CORRECT screws! Frank can now rest easy knowing that her expensive investment is safe and sound.

“I started looking for 1080 Titan Technologies because I used another company who hung my TV and failed. Unfortunately the person was inexpensive and it cost me my TV. After the person left I put on the TV to watch and there was a crack in the screen (inside not out). 1080 Titan Technologies is not the least expensive, however the result was a TV that works and one I can watch.” Explains Frank.

The Final Verdict

Ms. Frank discovered 1080 Titan Technologies via our Facebook page - she was impressed by our previous customer reviews. We are very pleased to say that Pawz Pet Solutions is now able to use their TV they way they had always dreamed of – free of any cracks!

“I like to shop local when possible and when it does not sacrifice quality. I found 1080 Titan Technologies on a community Facebook page and received a lot of positive feedback. There are very few companies who will give you a timely response via Facebook messaging." Says Frank.

Michele Frank, Pawz Pet Solutions

1080 Titan Technologies provides Jones Accounting & Tax Services, Inc. with quality and cost effective website management

When Jones Accounting & Tax Services were looking for an IT company they could trust to set up and maintain their network, 1080 Titan Technologies were the right firm for them. 1080 Titan Technologies put together a total solutions package, as well as supplied them with efficient ongoing user support.

Jones Accounting & Tax Services, Inc., based in Land O Lakes, Florida, provide an array of services to individuals and businesses in various industries. Shanita Jones, the “Accounting Diva”, has over 17 years in the Accounting/Finance Industry and over 10 years with individual and corporate taxation.

Jones believes that an IT company with a focus on total solutions is of benefit to small businesses. “For a lot of small businesses, lack of money is a true concern.” According to Jones, if the IT system of a small business were to become disabled or compromised “It would not only cost them more money to fix the urgent problem but it could potentially lose clients for them or mean the end of their business completely.”

Jones Accounting was looking for new website management and was interested in a CPA site solution. They required a qualified IT company that would be responsive to issues or questions as they occurred. Jones Accounting met 1080 Titan Technologies and they were the right fit for them. Jones explains that working with a larger IT firm isn’t always better. “The quality of the person far outweighs the quantity every time in my opinion.” She says that 1080 Titan Technologies “have a base of knowledgeable colleagues that you consult with for things that are beyond your expertise.”

The Situation: A Need for a New Website Management, Cost Effective IT Solutions and Active Support

To satisfy their client’s needs, 1080 Titan Technologies hosted two domains for them, in addition to doing their hosted exchange. They put together a total solutions platform to ensure they would not be open to a number of expensive problems like data breach violations, cyber-attacks, spam and viruses. 1080 Titan Technologies are now providing Jones Accounting with system monitoring and patch management, as well as Office365.

In addition, 1080 Titan Technologies is continuing to provide ongoing support to Jones Accounting with a managed service contract and by extending all measures to respond and resolve support queries as soon as possible.

The Solution: Partnering with Established IT Professionals 1080 Titan Technologies for a Wide Range of IT Solutions and Services

Every modern business relies on information technology as an integral part of their dayto-day operations. 1080 Titan Technologies provides cost efficient managed IT services handling their client’s technology, giving them everything they need to succeed – with client satisfaction being first priority.

1080 Titan Technologies evaluates the specific situation and tailors an IT support plan that best meets their client’s budget and needs. They offer an unlimited help desk with remote and onsite support to address any issues, questions, or concerns that may arise. To ensure you are getting the best possible value for the investment you have made into your technology, 1080 Titan Technologies also provides:

  • Quality around the clock protection – 1080 Titan Technologies monitor servers and workstations to prevent unexpected issues from costing you time and money.
  • Consistent scheduled maintenance – performed once a week on all servers and workstations to keep them functioning at peak performance.
  • Reliable backup protection – important data and applications are backed up onsite and in the cloud to make sure you are able to recover in a timely manner in the event of disaster.

Jones Accounting recommends 1080 Titan Technologies to clients who want “a long term relationship with someone that knows their system and business needs”. They continue to work with 1080 Titan Technologies over other IT companies because of their speedy responsiveness and availability, as well as making sure everything is okay and that they have what they need. With regards to tech issues Jones Accounting have had, Jones states that 1080 Titan Technologies have been “accessible immediately to address the problem.” She also says they “broke it down to a level that I could understand…not overwhelming tech talk.”

1080 Titan Technologies is a trusted IT service provider for small to medium enterprises located in Tampa Bay, Miami, Orlando, and across Florida. As your IT experts, you can count on 1080 Titan Technologies to provide the most cost-efficient and lasting solutions for client problems. Contact us at (877) 496-1325 or send us an email at [email protected] to know more about our products and services.

Jones Accounting & Tax Services, Inc.

Floridian Moving & Storage Company Looks to 1080 Titan Technologies After a Devastating Encounter With the CryptoWall

SmartMove Moving & Storage, Inc. has been in the business for over 20 years, and Florida relies on them heavily. As a full-service moving and storage company, SmartMove Moving & Storage, Inc. provides an extensive list of services, and offers a high level of accessibility and responsiveness to their clients. To make all of this happen, SmartMove Moving & Storage, Inc. was relying as heavily on their IT as was Florida was on them. Unfortunately, however, their IT environment underwent a serious attack that left them in ruins. SmartMove Moving & Storage, Inc. was in need of help - and fast.

Almost every single business in today’s world relies on information technology as an integral part of their operations. Unfortunately, information technology can cause some significant difficulties - whether it be from people not knowing how to use it, or people who know how to use it all too well. Without proper security procedures in place, your business could be left incapable of accessing important information you need to get work done.

A Devastating Encounter With the CryptoWall That Mandated New Security Procedures & Expert Help!

SmartMove Moving & Storage, Inc. is a full-service moving and storage company based out of St. Petersburg, Florida. The moving and storage company has been in business since 1993, both serving as well as being heavily relied on by the entire State of Florida.

In order to provide as many services, and offer the level of accessibility and responsiveness that they do, SmartMove Moving & Storage, Inc. was relying as heavily on their IT as was Florida was on them.

Unfortunately however, about two years ago SmartMove Moving & Storage, Inc. was hit by the CryptoWall and experienced devastating effects. Hannah Peters, Operations Director at SmartMove Moving & Storage, Inc. elaborates, saying, “It was horrific; it wiped everything out. There was no backup, it just erased everything. It just crippled us.”

Upon being brought down, SmartMove Moving & Storage, Inc. learned the importance of having proper security procedures in place. Not only that, but they decided it was time to implement proper, surefire security procedures of their own.

An IT Expert Capable of Explaining the Situation & Working With Them to Reach the Best Possible Solutions!

Thankfully for SmartMove Moving & Storage, Inc., there was an expert out there who could help. Peters explains, “Chris [Chris Wilson, CEO of 1080 Titan Technologies] is part of a networking group. . . in that group is a representative from our bank - Jefferson Bank. He was the one who referred Chris through that networking company.”

SmartMove Moving & Storage, Inc. saw tremendous value in their representative Jeff Carter, and in turn seen value in his recommendation - 1080 Titan Technologies. Upon partnering, 1080 Titan Technologies immediately began assessing the damage done by the CryptoWall and discussing solutions with SmartMove Moving & Storage, Inc.

Peters expresses appreciation for the way that Chris Wilson and the team at 1080 Titan Technologies handled their devastating situation, saying, “He was explaining everything, laying everything out, sort of just explained the whole system - on a level that I can understand.”

Working together, 1080 Titan Technologies and SmartMove Moving & Storage, Inc. were able to create customized, proper security solutions that would work best for their needs. Amongst other improvements and fixes, 1080 Titan Technologies as able to successfully implement:

  • HP computers
  • Cloud Anti-Virus
  • A Solid Backup & Recovery Plan
  • Hosted Exchange
  • Proactive Monitoring & Support
  • Recurring Block Time Services

A Sophisticated, Ready-For-Anything IT Environment & A Communicative, Trustworthy IT Partner to Keep Them Away From Devastation!

“The problem in the past has been trying to get ahold of people when you need them.” says Peters, then adds: “I want someone to answer my call when I call them; especially if it's an emergency where it's affecting you at work. . . he’s always answered the calls. If not, I get a text message that says he’s with a client and he calls me right back. So, I think that's the biggest thing, for me; customer service and being able to get in touch with him and get ahold of him whenever I need him - at all hours.”

Since partnering with 1080 Titan Technologies, SmartMove Moving & Storage, Inc. has seen significant benefits in almost all aspects of business. With their networks, computers, and services all leveraging proper security measures, SmartMove Moving & Storage, Inc. has been able to achieve increased efficiency, proactivity, and peace of mind.

Peters beams, “They have my full recommendation.”

The importance of having proper security procedures in place is second to none. That’s why here at 1080 Titan Technologies, we can help you protect your St. Petersburg, Florida business with solutions that works best for you. To learn more about how we can help you succeed, contact us at 877-496-1325, or send us an email at [email protected]

 SmartMove Moving & Storage Inc. 

Calgary Trucking Company Supercharges Their IT Productivity

AAA Trucking Services Inc. has built a reputation for their excellent service within the Calgary community. They provide fast and reliable service to anyone who has had the privilege to work with them.

Barbara Guilbault is the Co-President of AAA Trucking. She is a long term, and highly respected client of ours. In the following, Guilbault will describe her experience while working with the 1080 Titan Technologies over the past few years.

From Bumpy To Smooth

Our IT solution for AAA trucking involved basic computer monitoring to start. However, that very quickly turned into a full remote support and management package.

An example of an immediate issue that needed to be solved involves an instance when a laptop of theirs was not booting up properly, and became riddled with viruses.

Our immediate solution was to drain out the power with a screwdriver, instantly allowing the laptop to re-boot. We then decided to use Malwarebtyes to find and remove 2 trojans. Guilbault’s laptop is now fully functional and clean of any viruses – and she now uses Beanywhere monitoring for all for their computers.

“We have two businesses, trucking and network marketing. Keeping expenses low is an important aspect of our businesses, but we have found that cheapest often ends up costing us more money and time. 1080 Titan Technologies are very responsive and keep us safe from spam, viruses, and data breaches.” Explains Guilbault.

Results, Results, Great Results

We are pleased to say that the AAA trucking team is now operating on a fully functional, and fast system. They do not ever have to worry about viruses or breaches – and can concentrate on what’s important.

“Prevention is always better than fixing expensive problems and possible down time. 1080 Titan Technologies covers all aspects of our businesses, they are prompt to respond and have saved us money by preventing, instead repairing expensive problems. We would highly recommend 1080 Titan Technologies to anyone needing IT management.” Says Guilbault.

Are you looking for a high-quality IT company for your small business? Contact 1080 Titan Technologies today for your FREE No-Obligation consultation (404) 800-7946 or [email protected]

Barbara Guilbault, AAA Trucking Services Inc.

Jones Accounting & Tax Services trusts 1080 Titan Technologies for website management and hosted solutions

Jones Accounting & Tax Services is an accounting firm based out of Land O Lakes, Florida that provides financial services for business owners, executives and independent professionals. Like many businesses, one of Jones Accounting & Tax Services' main points of contact is their website, which is why it's so important that it is hosted effectively.

The situation: Jones Accounting & Tax Services needed an IT support provider that could reliably host their website domain

Jones Accounting & Tax Services was in need of new website management, specifically, an IT support provider that could host their CPA Site Solutions domain. Fortunately, they connected with 1080 Titan Technologies at a networking group, and the two businesses soon began a productive IT partnership.

The solution: 1080 Titan Technologies offered Jones Accounting & Tax Services

an effective hosting solution for their website's domain.

1080 Titan Technologies ended up being an ideal choice for Jones Accounting & Tax Services, providing them with a reliable domain hosting solution, and Hosted Exchange for the firm's email. Despite the relatively small size of 1080 Titan Technologies, Jones is confident in their ability to provide support.

"Those larger firms may have more bodies but it also means more bucks," says Shanita Jones, of Jones Accounting & Tax Services. "Also, more isn't always better - the quality of the person far outweighs the quantity every time in my opinion".

To this day, 1080 Titan Technologies continues to provide cost-effective IT solutions for Jones Accounting & Tax Services, including:

  •  Website domain hosting
  •  Hosted Exchange for business email

Jones says that she continues to work with 1080 Titan Technologies because she "likes the fact that they always followed up to make sure everything was okay and that I had what I needed. With the issues I've had, they've been accessible immediately to address the problem and when I didn't understand, they broke it down to a level that I could understand - not overwhelming tech talk".

To benefit from the proactive and high-value support that 1080 Titan Technologies offers, get in touch with them at 877-496-1325 or [email protected] You too can enjoy the success that Jones Accounting & Tax Services has gained with the best IT support available today.

Jones Accounting & Tax Services

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1080 Titan Technologies strives to provide the best comprehensive IT, Computer, and Networking services to small businesses. We can handle all of your organization's technology challenges.

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8735 Dunwoody Place #6684,
Atlanta, Georgia 30350

Call us: (404) 800-7946

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